Technical Resources is dedicated to the delivery of the brightest minds in the employment market to strategically defined positions.
From supervisors through to board level roles, organisations depend on a recruiter with sector expertise and a strict candidate sourcing program.
Technical Resources offer long-standing and proven international, national and Perth mining recruitment services. In addition, our extensive knowledge and connections within the oil & gas, energy and infrastructure sectors brings industry-leading candidates to our attention. These high-performing professionals are keen to make the ultimate connections for their next career move – something that Technical Resources has been expertly facilitating since 1990.
Technical Resources is a ‘people first’ resources recruitment company, built on people, trust and strong family values.
If you are looking for great people, partner with us to find them quickly.
Technical Resources Pty Ltd (TR) is one of Australia’s largest, independently owned and managed recruitment consultancies.
© Technical Resources | 2023